Sunday, February 10, 2013


The Lenten season this year starts on Feb. 13th, Ash Wednesday, reminding us that time flies, and life is short. 

But God be thanked, February is also popularly considered the Month of Hearts, when we observe Valentines’ Day on the 14th. The day is special for lovers and even close friends and relatives, (or sometimes even between the anonymous) as a day for the sending and/or exchange of expressions of love and affection in cards, messages and gifts and/or other tokens of affection. Actually, the day is named after St. Valentine.

Valentine's Day is now a secular time celebrating romantic love, but there is no love without God. Perhaps a better way to celebrate Lent is to take on projects of love: charities and beneficences, service and giving. These should be components of penance, reflection and fasting.

Monday, February 4, 2013


He took the name Ezeudo after his Godfather, Dr Godwin Chinedum Duru, Ezeudo II of Amucha, former Executive Chairman Aba South in whose tenure he surfaced exactly on 3rd February, 2005, Ezeudo Kelechi Jnr. is the first son of Kelechi Amucha and Ebele Nwankwo. The name Ezeudo means "King of Peace" His arrival was a prediction to end a  relational conflict and effect a change.

 O God, our times are in your hand:
Look with favor,
we pray, on your child, Ezeudo,
as he begins another year. Grant
that he may grow in wisdom and grace,
and strengthen his trust in your goodness
all the days of his life; through Jesus
Christ our Lord. Amen.