Sunday, September 30, 2012


The above graphic representation shows the developmental stage of Nigeria. At 52 years the country is toddling. Its toddling has many impediments. A country that ought to be a grand mother is yet to walk. The question is… any hope for Nigeria?
Imagine the situation Nigeria is undergoing. Are we ready to define our objectives and actualise them? What is wrong with the nation, Nigeria.  How long shall we stay on the ground before we move up ladder of life? How true is the assumption that we are the giant of Africa?
Is Nigeria a developing nation?  Yes, problems are inevitable, what effort is Nigeria making to come out of these problems. Let us tell ourselves the truth, and it would be naive for Nigerian citizens to contemplate of no problem and expect a life of bliss. Man is an imperfect being. The fact that we need a serious overhauling and attention to our welfare cannot be over emphasized. No nation can rise above the quality of its citizens. In most cases, that will involve a lot of sacrifices from the government and the entire citizenry. Though there may be more severe challenges that threaten the foundation of the country. At times one wonders if we were ripe before agitating for independence from the Great Britain. It is not a taboo for us to ask for help from experienced nations, but charity must begin from home. However, these situations do not mean that Nigeria as a country is a failure. They merely highlight the importance of adhering closely to the yearning of the citizens in working out solutions.
My fellow Nigerians, no matter what, let us shun selfish tendencies and display genuine love among ourselves. The sound of the gun doesn't frighten the gods. We need to respect the rule of law. Reduce corruption to its minimal percentage. The government should formulate and implement feasible plans to develop Nigeria. Creation of jobs to accommodate the teeming population and curb unemployment should be paramount. "An idle mind is a devil's workshop" Power supply should rank the number one in our economic plans, while security should not be politicised rather assured.
Our leaders need to be gentle, kind and forgiving - even when the followers repeatedly manifested negative traits. I am also urging the followers to respect the leaders and the constituted authorities. Open communication between the leaders and their subjects should not be a routine only or during the electoral campaigns. Open communication will initiate expressions on matters concerning our national development and interest. We shall likely find that such communication will be more pleasing and effective.
We have been test– running Nigeria for the past 52 years. For how long must we be in this level? My expectation is as good as you think! Try to contribute your own quota towards the betterment of Nigeria. May God continue to bless all Nigerians both at home and in Diasporas.

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