Sunday, December 8, 2013


Please MANDELA, if you see ZIK...tell him that we are still in one Nigeria....and Never forget to tell OJUKWU that NGIGE and ROCHAS has joined ndi Hausa and ndi Yoruba to betrayed ndi IGBO...but Amadioha disgraced them and at last APGA won...and please don't forget to tell PAPA ACHEBE that things has fallen apart kpata kpata and before I me tell AWO that BIAFRA will gain her independence in 2015...ADIEU PAPA AFRICA MADIBA. GREAT ICON.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

AFRIKA NDO (A Condolence for the departure of Dr. Nelson Mandela)

AFRIKA NDO - Kelechi Amucha

Enyim, gaa kpatụrụm ikoro aka.
Gwaram Ohaneze na Okeọjị Afrịka adaala!
Dike abụghị n'ọnụ. 
Ahụ dimkpa ahụ ogologo imi ya.
Ufu ejighị amụ nwa ụjọ.
Ọnyịrị nmegbu,
Ekweghị arịrị,
Dike ana-akpa ogwu n'anya.
Nna nwere onwe,
ahapụla Ụwa ọjọọ nkea.
Chukwuemeka Ojukwu na Chinua Achebe,
kulienụ n'ugwu nabata Dike asaa nke Afrịka.
Afrịka Ndo.

Below are some of the graphic designs dedicated to Dr Nelson Madiba Mandela by Kelechi Amucha "Mkpisiolaedo 1 of Ngwaland" and creator "Civiraphics"

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Five Characteristics of a Good Poster. By Amucha Kelechi E.C

A poster is a powerful advertising tool and technique whenever created properly. Every single good poster has many things in typical. A poster that does not contain these properties is probably to under whelm you alongside its functional performance. Keep these 5 attributes in mind before you embark on poster design and printing.

A poster's job is to communicate the information quickly and additionally efficiently. Many starting business-people think that they have to bring just as much as they can onto their posters. Unfortunately, trying to put too much information, or perhaps too many pictures, into your poster makes it look challenging and additionally cluttered. A cluttered poster cannot "talk" to its audiences promptly, which prevents it from doing its selected job. A good poster is simple and easy but effective. It informs everyone that looks at just it what they are expected to know without delay.

Obviously, a good poster is appealing enough to bring in your target customers. You need to include elements into the poster that definitely will entice the target customers to examine the poster and get the information you want them to have. It is usually a good idea to include provides in your posters to achieve attention. Or, you are able to throw in some interesting information that pertains to your subject. You could include a mental picture or image which is attention grabbing.

Since you already stated, that you do not like to contain too much information in the poster. However, you must give your readers enough to convince them which just what you are saying is accurate. Utilize brief but powerful remarks to back up the claims. Be cautious not to overextend yourself. Do not make claims or exaggerations which you cannot defend. In truth, not producing any sort of claims at just all is usually a good piece of advice. Simply use just what you ought to get the point all over.

Monochrome posters are really not almost since effective as colour posters. A poster which incorporates colour into its scheme definitely will attract more watchers. Complete colour brochures tend to be a lot more effective and additionally definitely will have a much more potent influence in your customers. Just be sure to use colour in a strategic way, however. Utilizing the wrong colours can backfire in you.

A few of the vast majority of effective posters tend to be unexpectedly straight-forward. Few posters will not even have any text at every one of them; simply few well placed images and strategically picked colours. I'm not suggesting you should not use phrase in your poster - you need to - however always try to keep your poster simple as you can, when nevertheless conveying the point. Each poster which you design must have one strong message; don’t just be sure to do too a lot with it.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

LET US PRAY AND REMEMBER THEM ( All Souls Day. November 2, 2013)


We can ignore it and not talk about it. We can go on with life and forget about it all. Yet, we cannot avoid it. Sooner or later, death will visit our homes and snatch away some of our dearest ones.

How can we deal with this event that will one day take our son forever? How can we prepare to face our loved one’s farewell agony? What can we do to fill the emptiness that follows the departure of our best friends and family members?

Death is like a door that leaves each one of us alone. Once that door is shut, the decease one stays away from us forever. We really don’t know what his / her condition is. The one we called “dear and near” to us is now a mystery. How can we deal with such impotence, uncertainty and immense pain?

It is not easy. All along the years, we have changed so much inside us. We have become more critical, but also more vulnerable. We have turned more sceptical, yet more insecure. We are more convinced that we will never get everything our hearts aspire to.

Hence we should remember, especially in this our society, the words of Jesus Christ, and make them echo in our ears with humility and surrender to the great mystery: “Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God. Believe in me, too.”

I believe that almost everyone, believers, hardly believers and poor believers, can face death with these two things: tears and prayers. We can pray for and remember the dead. Every one of us, with whatever little faith we still possess, can pray and show condolence. We may all have problems with our faith, strong or wavering, but God will never have any problem understanding our impotence, and He will fully comprehend our deepest emotions.

When we attend a funeral, in response to the death of a dear one, surely we may be thinking or praying along this way “We have come here because we still love you, although we don’t know what to do for you. Our faith is so weak and uncertain. We entrust you to the bountiful goodness of God. You certainly will be more secure with Him than with us. Wish you well. God will take care of you better than anyone of us has done. We leave you in His hands”

Monday, September 30, 2013


...this is an awkwardly experience! Among the first ten Nigerian youths I extended the routine greetings of "happy independence anniversary"  what I got in exchange were totally unpleasant. Ranging from " what are we celebrating? Celebrating 95 days of University students roasting in their homes?  to "celebrating ironing your dresses whenever the power holding wants you to do so?  On this premise, let me ask you the reader...NIGERIA INDEPENDENCE: AFFLICTION OR APPROBATION?                                       Let us continue with 
All powerful and merciful father, you are the God of justice love and peace. You rule over all the Nations of Earth. Power and Might are in your hands and no one can withstand you. We present our country Nigeria before you. We praise and thank for you are the source of all we have and are. We are sorry for all the sins we have committed and for the good deeds we have failed to do.

In your loving forgiveness, keep us save from the punishment we deserve. Lord we are weighed down not only by uncertainties, but also by moral, economic and political problems. Listen to the cries of your people who confidently turn to you. God of infinite goodness, our strength in diversity, Our health in weakness, our comfort in sorrow, Be merciful to us your people. Spare this nation Nigeria from chaos anarchy and doom. Bless us with your kingdom of justice, love and peace. We ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen.

Sunday, September 29, 2013


Songs of Sorrow
Written by Kofi Awoonor

Dzogbese Lisa has treated me thus
It has led me among the sharps of the forest
Returning is not possible
And going forward is a great difficulty
The affairs of this world are like the chameleon faeces
Into which I have stepped
When I clean it cannot go.
I am on the world’s extreme corner,
I am not sitting in the row with the eminent
But those who are lucky
Sit in the middle and forget
I am on the world’s extreme corner
I can only go beyond and forget.
My people, I have been somewhere
If I turn here, the rain beats me
If I turn there the sun burns me
The firewood of this world
Is for only those who can take heart
That is why not all can gather it.
The world is not good for anybody
But you are so happy with your fate;
Alas! the travelers are back
All covered with debt.

Something has happened to me
The things so great that I cannot weep
I have no sons to fire the gun when I die
And no daughter to wail when I close my mouth
I have wandered on the wilderness
The great wilderness men call life
The rain has beaten me,
And the sharp stumps cut as keen as knives
I shall go beyond and rest.
I have no kin and no brother,
Death has made war upon our house;
And Kpeti’s great household is no more,
Only the broken fence stands;
And those who dared not look in his face
Have come out as men.
How well their pride is with them.
Let those gone before take note
They have treated their offspring badly.
What is the wailing for?
Somebody is dead. Agosu himself
Alas! a snake has bitten me
My right arm is broken,
And the tree on which I lean is fallen.
Agosi if you go tell them,
Tell Nyidevu, Kpeti, and Kove
That they have done us evil;
Tell them their house is falling
And the trees in the fence
Have been eaten by termites
That the martels curse them.
Ask them why they idle there
While we suffer, and eat sand.
And the crow and the vulture
Hover always above our broken fences
And strangers walk over our portion.

Sunday, April 14, 2013


On this joyous celebration of the Mother’s day, I felicitate with the Catholic Women especially The Aba Diocesan Council of Catholic Women Organisation (ADDCWO) Permit me to mention some outstanding mothers in this realm I encountered during my service as the Aba Diocesan President of the Catholic Youth Organisation of Nigeria (CYON) 2000 – 2006; Lady Grace Amobi, Lady Mary Otigbuo, Lady Ann Ajemba, Lady Gloria Odor, Lady Leticia Okoroama, Lady Mary Uduokporo, Lady Izuwa of the blessed memory, Lady Akalabu, Lady Uche, Ezinne Felicia Ugboaja etc. May this occasion increase your faith in Christ and brighten your days. Congratulations.

EZINNE AWARD: Give honour to whom honour is due. Ezinne award is not a bad thing. The church should stop making mockery of Ezinne Award. Let's dig deep into the quality of an Ezinne. I still wonder why a woman who never lived or trained her six girl - children morally and character-wise, these can be evidently seen in the mode of the six getting married without any dowry or marriage rite performed either traditionally or by the church should be designated as "EZINNE" (GOOD MOTHER) What's good about the woman? I am not judging but she ought to be ignored in this award. My advice is that this award should be earned not bought. Happy mother's day to all the Catholic women.

Sunday, March 3, 2013


When an optimist has a set back, how does he feel? He does not see the defeat as a permanent one. This does not mean that he denies reality. Rather, he accepts and examines the matter. Then as circumstances allow, he takes action to change or improve the situation. One should not blame himself for adversity, misfortune is not permanent and it did not come from one's stupidity, incompetence, or poor image. One should not resign himself to failure. When you find yourself thinking that you won't enjoy something or you won't succeed in some project, reject the thought. Focus on the positive. Look for friends who view life positively. Deal with the situations that you can control, try to accept those you cannot. Optimism improves your health.

Sunday, February 10, 2013


The Lenten season this year starts on Feb. 13th, Ash Wednesday, reminding us that time flies, and life is short. 

But God be thanked, February is also popularly considered the Month of Hearts, when we observe Valentines’ Day on the 14th. The day is special for lovers and even close friends and relatives, (or sometimes even between the anonymous) as a day for the sending and/or exchange of expressions of love and affection in cards, messages and gifts and/or other tokens of affection. Actually, the day is named after St. Valentine.

Valentine's Day is now a secular time celebrating romantic love, but there is no love without God. Perhaps a better way to celebrate Lent is to take on projects of love: charities and beneficences, service and giving. These should be components of penance, reflection and fasting.

Monday, February 4, 2013


He took the name Ezeudo after his Godfather, Dr Godwin Chinedum Duru, Ezeudo II of Amucha, former Executive Chairman Aba South in whose tenure he surfaced exactly on 3rd February, 2005, Ezeudo Kelechi Jnr. is the first son of Kelechi Amucha and Ebele Nwankwo. The name Ezeudo means "King of Peace" His arrival was a prediction to end a  relational conflict and effect a change.

 O God, our times are in your hand:
Look with favor,
we pray, on your child, Ezeudo,
as he begins another year. Grant
that he may grow in wisdom and grace,
and strengthen his trust in your goodness
all the days of his life; through Jesus
Christ our Lord. Amen.

Thursday, January 31, 2013


In the process of having a cooperate outlook,
has revealed its new logo. 
A color wheel 
with a silver circle housing a "C" 

Below are some designs where the new logo has appeared to indicate that it has taken effect .